Campaign 特典
Access 地図・交通案内
CHILD THEATERS COMPANY キッズダンス東区クラスの地図・交通案内
福岡県 福岡市東区 福岡県福岡市東区香椎駅前2丁目15‐1 香椎永野ビル6F コスモスダンスアカデミー内
- History
Session +
- _Token(array)
- key8e63115e10649090ed64b5ba930fa441b73a02bd
- allowedControllers(empty)
- allowedActions(empty)
- unlockedFields(empty)
- csrfTokens(array)
- 8e63115e10649090ed64b5ba930fa441b73a02bd1733248488
==== - _Token(array)
Request +
Cake Params
- plugin(null)
- controllerschool
- actionmap_and_coupon
- named(empty)
- pass(empty)
- schoolId3015075
- _Token(array)
- key8e63115e10649090ed64b5ba930fa441b73a02bd
- unlockedFields(empty)
Post data
No post data.
Query string
No querystring data.
To view Cookies, add CookieComponent to Controller
Current Route
- keys(array)
- 0schoolId
- options(array)
- schoolId[0-9]+
- defaults(array)
- controllerschool
- actionmap_and_coupon
- plugin(null)
- template/detail/L_:schoolId/map_and_coupon
==== -
Sql Log +
Sql Logs
- Host:
- DB: jobikai_dance
- total: 63 queries / 0.034077 sec
No. time query 1 0.001707 connect2 0.000677 DESCRIBE `school`3 0.000437 SELECT `s`.* FROM `school` AS `s` WHERE ( = '3015075') AND (s.registration_status = 1) AND (s.is_opening = 1) LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 4 0.000667 DESCRIBE `schoolgroup`5 0.000397 SELECT `sg`.* FROM `schoolgroup` AS `sg` WHERE ( = '133') AND (sg.registration_status = 1) LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE sg const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 6 0.000387 SELECT COUNT(*) AS `cnt` FROM `school` AS `s` WHERE (s.registration_status = 1) AND (s.is_opening = 1) AND (s.schoolgroup_id = '133') LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s ref ix_schoolgroup_id_school ix_schoolgroup_id_school 5 const 3 Using where 7 0.000507 DESCRIBE `school_score`8 0.000377 SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `school_score` AS `s_s` WHERE (s_s.school_id = '3015075') AND (s_s.is_latest = 1)id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s_s ref school_id school_id 4 const 1 Using where 9 0.000507 DESCRIBE `access_log_school`10 0.005137 SELECT `access_log_school`.`id` FROM `access_log_school` WHERE (ip_address = '') AND (school_id = '3015075') AND (timestamp_created >= '2024-12-03 02:24:48') LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE access_log_school index_merge school_id,ix_ip_address_access_log_school ix_ip_address_access_log_school,school_id 767,4 1 Using intersect(ix_ip_address_access_log_school,school_id); Using where 11 0.000467 DESCRIBE `access_count_school`12 0.000327 SELECT `acs`.* FROM `access_count_school` AS `acs` WHERE (acs.school_id = '3015075') LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE acs ref school_id school_id 4 const 1 13 0.000407 UPDATE `access_count_school` SET `count` = ?, `timestamp_modified` = ? WHERE (`access_count_school`.`id` = 701)14 0.000357 SELECT `access_count_school`.* FROM `access_count_school` WHERE (`access_count_school`.`id` = 701) LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE access_count_school const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 15 0.000447 INSERT INTO `access_log_school` (`school_id`, `ip_address`, `timestamp_created`, `timestamp_modified`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)16 0.000377 SELECT `access_log_school`.* FROM `access_log_school` WHERE (`access_log_school`.`id` = 12930600) LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE access_log_school const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 17 0.000507 DESCRIBE `school_station`18 0.000357 SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `school_station` AS `s_s` WHERE (s_s.school_id = '3015075') LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s_s ref school_id school_id 4 const 3 19 0.000337 SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `school_station` AS `s_s` WHERE (s_s.station_id = '4178')id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s_s ref station_id station_id 4 const 1 20 0.000417 SELECT `s`.* FROM `school` AS `s` WHERE ( IN ('3015075')) AND (s.is_charged = 1) AND (s.registration_status = 1) AND (s.is_opening = 1)id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE Impossible WHERE noticed after reading const tables 21 0.000427 SELECT `s`.* FROM `school` AS `s` WHERE (s.city_id = '1977') AND (s.is_charged = 1) AND (s.registration_status = 1) AND (s.is_opening = 1)id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s ref city_id city_id 5 const 4 Using where 22 0.000467 DESCRIBE `city`23 0.000307 SELECT `c`.* FROM `city` AS `c` WHERE ( = '1977') LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 24 0.000517 SELECT `c`.* FROM `city` AS `c` WHERE (c.prefecture_id = '40')id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c ref prefecture_id prefecture_id 5 const 54 25 0.002167 SELECT `s`.* FROM `school` AS `s` WHERE (s.city_id IN ('1905', '1909', '1910', '1911', '1913', '1914', '1915', '1916', '1917', '1918', '1922', '1923', '1930', '1938', '1939', '1940', '1941', '1942', '1943', '1944', '1945', '1949', '1950', '1951', '1952', '1961', '1962', '1963', '1967', '1968', '1969', '1970', '1971', '1972', '1973', '1974', '1975', '1976', '1977', '1978', '1979', '1980', '1981', '1982', '1983', '1984', '1988', '1989', '1990', '1991', '1993', '1999', '2000', '2301')) AND (s.is_charged = 1) AND (s.registration_status = 1) AND (s.is_opening = 1)id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s range city_id city_id 5 192 Using index condition; Using where 26 0.000747 DESCRIBE `prefecture`27 0.000317 SELECT `p`.* FROM `prefecture` AS `p` WHERE ( = '40') LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE p const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 28 0.000387 SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `school_station` AS `s_s` WHERE (s_s.school_id = '3015075') ORDER BY `distance` ASC LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s_s ref school_id school_id 4 const 3 Using index condition; Using filesort 29 0.000487 DESCRIBE `station`30 0.000327 SELECT `s`.* FROM `station` AS `s` WHERE ( = '6404') LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 31 0.000467 DESCRIBE `station_unit`32 0.000387 SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `school_station` AS `s_s` WHERE (s_s.school_id = '3015075')id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s_s ref school_id school_id 4 const 3 33 0.000417 DESCRIBE `station_station_unit`34 0.000337 SELECT `s_s_s`.* FROM `station_station_unit` AS `s_s_s` WHERE (s_s_s.station_id = '4178')id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s_s_s ref station_id station_id 4 const 1 35 0.000327 SELECT `s_s_s`.* FROM `station_station_unit` AS `s_s_s` WHERE (s_s_s.station_id = '6403')id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s_s_s ref station_id station_id 4 const 1 36 0.000357 SELECT `s_s_s`.* FROM `station_station_unit` AS `s_s_s` WHERE (s_s_s.station_id = '6404')id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s_s_s ref station_id station_id 4 const 1 37 0.001027 SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `station_unit` AS `s_s` WHERE (false)id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE Impossible WHERE 38 0.000457 DESCRIBE `major_city`39 0.000447 DESCRIBE `city_major_city`40 0.000347 SELECT `c_m_c`.* FROM `city_major_city` AS `c_m_c` WHERE (c_m_c.city_id = '1977')id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c_m_c ref city_id city_id 4 const 1 41 0.000317 SELECT `m_c`.* FROM `major_city` AS `m_c` WHERE ( IN ('10'))id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE m_c const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 42 0.000527 DESCRIBE `summary_count_school`43 0.000417 SELECT `s_c_s`.* FROM `summary_count_school` AS `s_c_s` WHERE (s_c_s.is_latest = 1) AND (s_c_s.category_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.prefecture_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.city_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.station_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.station_unit_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.major_city_id = 0) LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s_c_s ref multi multi 28 const,const,const,const,const,const,const 1 44 0.000597 DESCRIBE `campaign_school`45 0.000417 SELECT `c_s`.* FROM `campaign_school` AS `c_s` WHERE (c_s.school_id = '3015075') AND (c_s.valid = 1) AND (c_s.expiration_date = "0000-00-00" || c_s.expiration_date IS NULL || c_s.expiration_date >= 2024-12-04) ORDER BY `timestamp_created` DESCid select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c_s ref school_id,ix_expiration_date_campaign_school school_id 4 const 1 Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort 46 0.000387 SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `school_station` AS `s_s` WHERE (s_s.school_id = '3015075') ORDER BY `time` ASC, `distance` ASC LIMIT 3id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s_s ref school_id school_id 4 const 3 Using index condition; Using filesort 47 0.000337 SELECT `s`.* FROM `station` AS `s` WHERE ( = '6404') LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 48 0.000317 SELECT `s`.* FROM `station` AS `s` WHERE ( = '4178') LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 49 0.000307 SELECT `s`.* FROM `station` AS `s` WHERE ( = '6403') LIMIT 1id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE s const PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 const 1 50 0.000537 DESCRIBE `category_school`51 0.000377 SELECT `c_s`.* FROM `category_school` AS `c_s` WHERE (c_s.school_id = '3015075') AND (c_s.valid = 1) LIMIT 5id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c_s ref school_id school_id 4 const 3 Using where 52 0.000327 SELECT `c_s`.* FROM `category_school` AS `c_s` WHERE (c_s.school_id = '3015075') AND (c_s.valid = 1) LIMIT 5id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c_s ref school_id school_id 4 const 3 Using where 53 0.000377 SELECT `c_s`.* FROM `category_school` AS `c_s` WHERE (c_s.school_id = '3015075') AND (c_s.valid = 1) LIMIT 5id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c_s ref school_id school_id 4 const 3 Using where 54 0.000337 SELECT `c_s`.* FROM `category_school` AS `c_s` WHERE (c_s.school_id = '3015075') AND (c_s.valid = 1) LIMIT 6id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c_s ref school_id school_id 4 const 3 Using where 55 0.000487 DESCRIBE `dancer`56 0.000407 SELECT `c`.`id` FROM `dancer` AS `c` INNER JOIN `dancer_column` AS `d_c` ON = d_c.dancer_id AND d_c.valid = 1 ORDER BY `d_c`.`timestamp_created` DESCid select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE d_c ALL ix_dancer_id_dancer_column 29 Using where; Using filesort 1 SIMPLE c eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 jobikai_dance.d_c.dancer_id 1 Using index 57 0.000347 SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer` AS `c` WHERE ( IN ('17', '16', '15', '14', '13'))id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c range PRIMARY PRIMARY 4 5 Using where 58 0.000437 DESCRIBE `dancer_column`59 0.000357 SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer_column` AS `c` WHERE (c.valid = 1) AND (c.dancer_id = '17') ORDER BY `timestamp_created` ASCid select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c ref ix_dancer_id_dancer_column ix_dancer_id_dancer_column 5 const 2 Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort 60 0.000337 SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer_column` AS `c` WHERE (c.valid = 1) AND (c.dancer_id = '16') ORDER BY `timestamp_created` ASCid select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c ref ix_dancer_id_dancer_column ix_dancer_id_dancer_column 5 const 2 Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort 61 0.000377 SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer_column` AS `c` WHERE (c.valid = 1) AND (c.dancer_id = '15') ORDER BY `timestamp_created` ASCid select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c ref ix_dancer_id_dancer_column ix_dancer_id_dancer_column 5 const 2 Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort 62 0.000337 SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer_column` AS `c` WHERE (c.valid = 1) AND (c.dancer_id = '14') ORDER BY `timestamp_created` ASCid select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c ref ix_dancer_id_dancer_column ix_dancer_id_dancer_column 5 const 2 Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort 63 0.000317 SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer_column` AS `c` WHERE (c.valid = 1) AND (c.dancer_id = '13') ORDER BY `timestamp_created` ASCid select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE c ref ix_dancer_id_dancer_column ix_dancer_id_dancer_column 5 const 1 Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort ==== -
Timer +
Peak Memory Use 12.34 MB
Message Memory use Component initialization 2.14 MB Controller action start 4.36 MB Controller render start 4.89 MB View render complete 5.92 MB Timers
Total Request Time: 146 (ms)
Message Time in ms Graph Core Processing (Derived from $_SERVER["REQUEST_TIME"]) 7.04 Event: Controller.initialize 41.82 Event: Controller.startup 0.34 Controller action 0.12 Event: Controller.beforeRender 48.77 » Processing toolbar data 42.34 Rendering View 25.30 » Event: View.beforeRender 0.70 » Rendering APP/View/School/map_and_coupon.ctp 6.41 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/school/google_map_place_js.ctp 0.15 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/adsense/336_288.ctp 0.07 » Event: View.afterRender 0.03 » Event: View.beforeLayout 0.02 » Rendering APP/View/Layouts/default.ctp 17.32 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/header.ctp 0.39 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/school/detailHeader.ctp 6.89 » » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/common/bookmark_school.ctp 0.12 » » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/breadcrumb.ctp 0.26 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/menu.ctp 7.55 » » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/school/right-menu.ctp 7.38 » » » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/common/menu_twitter.ctp 0.07 » » » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/common/menu_danceClip.ctp 0.06 » » » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/common/menu_danceSpColumn.ctp 6.53 » » » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/school/right-menu-neighbor-school.ctp 0.08 » » » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/adsense/300_250.ctp 0.06 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/rtt.ctp 0.10 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/footer.ctp 0.89 » » Rendering APP/View/Elements/common/scoreEx.ctp 0.07 Event: View.afterLayout 0.00 ==== - Log
Variables +
View Variables
- breadcrumb(array)
- 0(array)
- nameスクール検索
- link(array)
- controllerschool_list
- actionindex
- 1(array)
- name福岡
- link(array)
- controllerschool_list
- actionindex
- prefectureId40
- 2(array)
- name福岡・天神・博多
- link(array)
- controllerschool_list
- actionindex
- prefectureId40
- majorCityId10
- 3(array)
- name福岡市東区
- link(array)
- controllerschool_list
- actionindex
- prefectureId40
- cityId1977
- 4(array)
- name西鉄香椎駅
- link(array)
- controllerschool_list
- actionindex
- stationId6404
- 5(array)
- nameCHILD THEATERS COMPANY キッズダンス東区クラス
- link
- 0(array)
- ChargedNeighborSchoolSet(empty)
- SchoolScoreSet(object)
- SchoolCount3
- Schoolgroup(object)
- id133
- admin_member_id1483
- telephone_number08049461680
- homepage_url
- mobile_homepage_url
- summary福岡市博多区・南区・東区で開催中のキッズダンスと子どもスポーツ塾【CHILD THEATERS COMPANY】です!!お気軽にお問い合わせください!!
- message_title福岡市博多区・南区・東区・早良区で開講中!
- message_body「できる」「楽しい」体験から子どもの「やる気」と「自信」をつくる【CHILD THEATERS COMPANY】は3歳から中学生まで通えるキッズダンスと体操のスクールです。 初めての習い事・体力作り・ダンスが好き なお子さんにピッタリ☆ 子どもの心と身体の成長をサポート します! こんな方にオススメ☆☆ ●子どものうちに元気な身体づくりをさせたいと考えてる!! ●リズム感をつけたい!! ●かけっこで一番になれる運動神経を身につけたい!! ●ダンスが好き!! ●授業で一番に手を上げれる、
- registration_status1
- image_hashd86fc8ddf531013a
- image_extension_type2
- message_image_hash(null)
- message_image_extension_type(null)
- whole_staff_title(null)
- whole_staff_introduction(null)
- whole_staff_image_hash(null)
- whole_staff_image_extension_type(null)
- score0.00
- kuchikomi_count0
- timestamp_created0000-00-00 00:00:00
- timestamp_modified2021-08-03 15:10:04
- School(object)
- id3015075
- branch_nameキッズダンス東区クラス
- city_id1977
- schoolgroup_id133
- lat33.6585222
- lon130.440392
- telephone_number092-600-4421
- homepage_url
- mobile_homepage_url
- blog_url
- open_hour17:00~20:00
- holiday
- post_code
- town_address福岡県福岡市東区香椎駅前2丁目15‐1
- building香椎永野ビル6F コスモスダンスアカデミー内
- image_hasha2e64e3e074e94cc
- image_extension_type2
- message_image_hash312a97f8e3012497
- message_image_extension_type2
- is_registered_by_not_owner0
- is_opening1
- message_title子どものやる気と自信をつくります!!
- message_body福岡市博多区・南区・東区・早良区・城南区で開催中のキッズダンス・子どもスポーツ塾のCHILD THEATERS COMPANYです。 元気な挨拶が基本!心・技・体を育みます。 こんな方にオススメ☆ ●かけっこで一番になれる運動神経を身につけたい!! ●授業で一番に手を上げれる、積極性を身につけたい!! ●子どものうちに元気な身体づくりをさせたいと考えてる!! ●リズム感をつけたい!! ●ダンスが好き!! 子どもに【たくさんのものに出会い、感じ、「大きな夢」と「勇気」を持ち、自分を大好きになってほしい】という想いから設立されました。 レッスンを通して、楽しんで取り組むこと、夢や目標に向かって努力すること、出会い・仲間を大切にする心、集中力、考える力などを育み、子どもが持つ無限の可能性を伸ばしたいと考えています。 まずは元気な挨拶から!自主性を奪わず自信を持たせるために、子どもの心の成長を一番に願っています。
- is_detail_address_opening1
- is_charged0
- registration_status1
- whole_staff_title(null)
- whole_staff_introduction(null)
- whole_staff_image_hash(null)
- whole_staff_image_extension_type(null)
- is_kuchikomi_notice_mail_receiving1
- banner_image_hash(null)
- banner_image_extension_type(null)
- school_type1
- has_kids_course0
- has_beginner_course1
- score0.00
- kuchikomi_count0
- timestamp_created0000-00-00 00:00:00
- timestamp_modified2021-08-03 15:07:06
- memo(null)
- adsenseCount0
- $request->data(empty)
- $this->validationErrors(empty)
- Loaded Helpers(array)
- 0Html
- 1Form
- 2Number
- 3SimpleGraph
- 4DebugTimer
- 5Toolbar
- 6HtmlToolbar
==== - breadcrumb(array)
Environment +
App Constants
Notice (8): Undefined offset: 1 [CORE/Cake/View/Helper/HtmlHelper.php, line 867]
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Include +
Included Files
Include Paths
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- 5/home/jobikai/
- 7/home/jobikai/
- 8/home/jobikai/
- 9/home/jobikai/
- 10/home/jobikai/
- 12/opt/php-5.6.40-3/data/pear
- 13-> /home/jobikai/
Included Files
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- 1CORE/Config/config.php
- Controller(array)
- 0CORE/Controller/Controller.php
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- 2CORE/Controller/Component.php
- Datasource(array)
- 0CORE/Model/Datasource/CakeSession.php
- Error(array)
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- 1CORE/Error/ErrorHandler.php
- I18n(array)
- 0CORE/I18n/I18n.php
- 1CORE/I18n/L10n.php
- Log(array)
- 0CORE/Log/CakeLog.php
- 1CORE/Log/LogEngineCollection.php
- 2CORE/Log/Engine/FileLog.php
- 3CORE/Log/Engine/BaseLog.php
- 4CORE/Log/CakeLogInterface.php
- Model(array)
- 0CORE/Model/Model.php
- 1CORE/Model/BehaviorCollection.php
- 2CORE/Model/ConnectionManager.php
- Network(array)
- 0CORE/Network/CakeRequest.php
- 1CORE/Network/CakeResponse.php
- Other(array)
- 0CORE/bootstrap.php
- 1CORE/basics.php
- 2CORE/Core/App.php
- 3CORE/Core/Configure.php
- 4CORE/Core/CakePlugin.php
- 5CORE/Event/CakeEventListener.php
- 6CORE/Event/CakeEvent.php
- 7CORE/Event/CakeEventManager.php
- 8CORE/Core/Object.php
- Routing(array)
- 0CORE/Routing/Dispatcher.php
- 1CORE/Routing/Filter/AssetDispatcher.php
- 2CORE/Routing/DispatcherFilter.php
- 3CORE/Routing/Filter/CacheDispatcher.php
- 4CORE/Routing/Router.php
- 5CORE/Routing/Route/CakeRoute.php
- 6CORE/Routing/Route/PluginShortRoute.php
- Utility(array)
- 0CORE/Utility/Hash.php
- 1CORE/Utility/Inflector.php
- 2CORE/Utility/ObjectCollection.php
- 3CORE/Utility/Debugger.php
- 4CORE/Utility/String.php
- 5CORE/Utility/Security.php
- View(array)
- 0CORE/View/HelperCollection.php
- Cache(array)
- app(array)
- Config(array)
- 0APP/Config/core.php
- 1APP/Config/bootstrap.php
- 2APP/Config/routes.php
- 3APP/Config/database.php
- Controller(array)
- 0APP/Controller/SchoolController.php
- 1APP/Controller/AppController.php
- Other(array)
- 0APP/webroot/index.php
- 1APP/class/Sgv/Front/CityAttachment/ToSchoolSet.php
- 2APP/class/Sgv/Front/AttachableToDataSet/City.php
- 3APP/class/Sgv/Front/StationAttachment/ToSchoolSet.php
- 4APP/class/Sgv/Front/AttachableToDataSet/Station.php
- 5APP/class/Sgv/Front/SchoolListPageLink/ToStationUnitPage.php
- 6APP/class/Sgv/Front/SearchTransitable/ToStationUnitPage.php
- 7APP/class/Sgv/Front/SearchState/SchoolList.php
- 8APP/class/Sgv/Front/SearchStateExplainable/SchoolList.php
- 9APP/class/Sgv/Front/SearchUrlParameter/SchoolList.php
- 10APP/class/Sgv/Front/SearchCondition/SchoolList.php
- 11APP/class/Sgv/Front/SchoolListPageLink/ToStationPage.php
- 12APP/class/Sgv/Front/SearchTransitable/ToStationPage.php
- 13APP/class/Sgv/Front/SchoolListPageLink/ToCategoryPage.php
- 14APP/class/Sgv/Front/SearchTransitable/ToCategoryPage.php
- 15APP/class/Sgv/Front/TransitionalLinkShower/SchoolList.php
- 16APP/class/Sgv/Front/TransitionalLinkShowDescidable/SchoolList.php
- 17APP/class/Sgv/Front/InputForm/SchoolSearch.php
- 18APP/class/Sgv/Front/InputItem/SchoolSearch.php
- 19APP/class/Sgv/Front/SchoolListPageLink/ToMajorCityPage.php
- 20APP/class/Sgv/Front/SearchTransitable/ToMajorCityPage.php
- Config(array)
- plugins(array)
- DebugKit(array)
- Component(array)
- 0DebugKit/Controller/Component/ToolbarComponent.php
- Other(array)
- 0DebugKit/Lib/DebugMemory.php
- 1DebugKit/Lib/Panel/HistoryPanel.php
- 2DebugKit/Lib/DebugPanel.php
- 3DebugKit/Lib/Panel/SessionPanel.php
- 4DebugKit/Lib/Panel/RequestPanel.php
- 5DebugKit/Lib/Panel/SqlLogPanel.php
- 6DebugKit/Lib/Panel/TimerPanel.php
- 7DebugKit/Lib/Panel/LogPanel.php
- 8DebugKit/Lib/Panel/VariablesPanel.php
- 9DebugKit/Lib/Panel/EnvironmentPanel.php
- 10DebugKit/Lib/Panel/IncludePanel.php
- 11DebugKit/Lib/DebugTimer.php
- Log(array)
- 0DebugKit/Lib/Log/Engine/DebugKitLog.php
- Component(array)
- DebugKit(array)