No. |
time |
query |
1 |
0.014217 |
2 |
0.008987 |
DESCRIBE `prefecture`
3 |
0.001897 |
SELECT `p`.* FROM `prefecture` AS `p` WHERE ( = '19') LIMIT 1
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
p |
const |
4 |
const |
1 |
4 |
0.000577 |
DESCRIBE `summary_count_school`
5 |
0.000917 |
SELECT `s_c_s`.* FROM `summary_count_school` AS `s_c_s` WHERE (s_c_s.is_latest = 1) AND (s_c_s.category_id IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17)) AND (s_c_s.prefecture_id = '19') AND (s_c_s.city_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.station_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.station_unit_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.major_city_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.count > 0)
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s_c_s |
range |
multi |
multi |
28 |
17 |
Using index condition; Using where |
6 |
0.000617 |
7 |
0.007797 |
SELECT `c`.* FROM `city` AS `c` WHERE (c.prefecture_id = '19')
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c |
ref |
prefecture_id |
prefecture_id |
5 |
const |
59 |
8 |
0.002397 |
SELECT `s_c_s`.* FROM `summary_count_school` AS `s_c_s` WHERE (s_c_s.is_latest = 1) AND (s_c_s.category_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.prefecture_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.city_id IN ('1136', '1147', '1148', '1149', '1150', '1151', '1152', '1153', '1154', '1155', '1156', '1157', '1158', '1161', '1162', '1163', '1164', '1165', '1166', '1167', '1168', '1173', '1174', '1175', '1176', '1177', '1178', '1179', '1180', '1181', '1182', '1183', '1184', '1185', '1186', '1187', '1188', '1189', '1190', '1191', '1192', '1193', '1194', '1195', '1196', '1197', '1198', '1199', '1203', '1204', '1205', '1207', '1209', '1212', '1213', '1214', '2300', '2302', '2308')) AND (s_c_s.station_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.station_unit_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.major_city_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.count > 0)
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s_c_s |
range |
multi |
multi |
28 |
59 |
Using index condition; Using where |
9 |
0.000637 |
DESCRIBE `station_unit`
10 |
0.000377 |
SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `station_unit` AS `s_s` WHERE (s_s.prefecture_id = '19')
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s_s |
ref |
prefecture_id |
prefecture_id |
4 |
const |
1 |
11 |
0.000557 |
DESCRIBE `major_city`
12 |
0.000387 |
SELECT `m_c`.* FROM `major_city` AS `m_c` WHERE (m_c.prefecture_id = '19')
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
m_c |
ref |
prefecture_id |
prefecture_id |
4 |
const |
1 |
13 |
0.000527 |
SELECT `s_c_s`.* FROM `summary_count_school` AS `s_c_s` WHERE (s_c_s.is_latest = 1) AND (s_c_s.category_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.prefecture_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.city_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.station_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.station_unit_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.major_city_id IN ('1')) AND (s_c_s.count > 0)
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s_c_s |
ref |
multi |
multi |
28 |
const,const,const,const,const,const,const |
1 |
Using where |
14 |
0.000907 |
DESCRIBE `school`
15 |
0.000627 |
SELECT `c`.* FROM `city` AS `c` WHERE (c.prefecture_id = '19')
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c |
ref |
prefecture_id |
prefecture_id |
5 |
const |
59 |
16 |
0.002527 |
SELECT COUNT(1) AS `zend_paginator_row_count` FROM `school` AS `s` WHERE (s.registration_status = 1) AND (s.is_opening = 1) AND (s.city_id IN ('1136', '1147', '1148', '1149', '1150', '1151', '1152', '1153', '1154', '1155', '1156', '1157', '1158', '1161', '1162', '1163', '1164', '1165', '1166', '1167', '1168', '1173', '1174', '1175', '1176', '1177', '1178', '1179', '1180', '1181', '1182', '1183', '1184', '1185', '1186', '1187', '1188', '1189', '1190', '1191', '1192', '1193', '1194', '1195', '1196', '1197', '1198', '1199', '1203', '1204', '1205', '1207', '1209', '1212', '1213', '1214', '2300', '2302', '2308'))
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s |
range |
city_id |
city_id |
5 |
401 |
Using index condition; Using where |
17 |
0.003217 |
SELECT `s`.* FROM `school` AS `s` WHERE (s.registration_status = 1) AND (s.is_opening = 1) AND (s.city_id IN ('1136', '1147', '1148', '1149', '1150', '1151', '1152', '1153', '1154', '1155', '1156', '1157', '1158', '1161', '1162', '1163', '1164', '1165', '1166', '1167', '1168', '1173', '1174', '1175', '1176', '1177', '1178', '1179', '1180', '1181', '1182', '1183', '1184', '1185', '1186', '1187', '1188', '1189', '1190', '1191', '1192', '1193', '1194', '1195', '1196', '1197', '1198', '1199', '1203', '1204', '1205', '1207', '1209', '1212', '1213', '1214', '2300', '2302', '2308')) ORDER BY `s`.`is_charged` DESC, `s`.`score` DESC LIMIT 20
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s |
range |
city_id |
city_id |
5 |
401 |
Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort |
18 |
0.001047 |
SELECT `c`.* FROM `city` AS `c` WHERE ( IN ('2300', '1153', '1163', '1188', '1197', '1197', '1188', '1188', '1180', '1188', '1188', '1193', '1188', '1156', '1163', '1204', '1186', '1180', '1176', '1180'))
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c |
range |
4 |
11 |
Using where |
19 |
0.000487 |
SELECT `p`.* FROM `prefecture` AS `p`
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
p |
47 |
20 |
0.001657 |
DESCRIBE `school_station`
21 |
0.000967 |
SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `school_station` AS `s_s` WHERE (s_s.school_id IN ('3014663', '3014446', '3014486', '3014526', '3015610', '3015650', '3014536', '3014706', '3015171', '3016196', '3014406', '3014920', '3014922', '3014928', '3014930', '3014163', '3015444', '3015445', '3014936', '3015452'))
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s_s |
range |
school_id |
school_id |
4 |
50 |
Using index condition |
22 |
0.006247 |
DESCRIBE `station_station_unit`
23 |
0.000597 |
SELECT `s_s_s`.* FROM `station_station_unit` AS `s_s_s` WHERE (s_s_s.station_id IN ('5565', '7839', '2252', '2647', '5489', '7805', '7752', '2253', '7804', '7805', '2253', '7803', '7803', '5616', '5617', '7804', '7786', '2254', '7842', '7843', '5576', '5575', '5553', '7760', '7836', '7837', '7838', '7758', '7759', '2256', '5622', '5623', '5624', '5625', '7884', '5627', '5628', '2249', '2250', '2251', '6004', '7785', '7830', '7831', '7841'))
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s_s_s |
station_id |
46 |
Using where |
24 |
0.000527 |
DESCRIBE `city_major_city`
25 |
0.000757 |
SELECT `c_m_c`.* FROM `city_major_city` AS `c_m_c` WHERE (c_m_c.city_id IN ('2300', '1153', '1163', '1188', '1197', '1197', '1188', '1188', '1180', '1188', '1188', '1193', '1188', '1156', '1163', '1204', '1186', '1180', '1176', '1180'))
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c_m_c |
city_id |
99 |
Using where |
26 |
0.000377 |
SELECT `m_c`.* FROM `major_city` AS `m_c` WHERE ( IN ('1', '1', '1', '1'))
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
m_c |
range |
4 |
1 |
Using where |
27 |
0.000717 |
SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `school_station` AS `s_s` WHERE (s_s.school_id IN ('3014663', '3014446', '3014486', '3014526', '3015610', '3015650', '3014536', '3014706', '3015171', '3016196', '3014406', '3014920', '3014922', '3014928', '3014930', '3014163', '3015444', '3015445', '3014936', '3015452'))
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s_s |
range |
school_id |
school_id |
4 |
50 |
Using index condition |
28 |
0.000557 |
DESCRIBE `station`
29 |
0.000457 |
SELECT `s`.* FROM `station` AS `s` WHERE ( IN ('7839', '2252', '7752', '2253', '2253', '7803', '7786', '5576', '5553', '7837', '7758', '7759', '5623', '5627', '7785')) GROUP BY `s`.`id`
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s |
range |
PRIMARY,city_id,ix_lat_lon_station |
4 |
14 |
Using where |
30 |
0.000667 |
DESCRIBE `school_score`
31 |
0.247037 |
SELECT `s_s`.* FROM `school_score` AS `s_s` WHERE (s_s.school_id IN ('3014663', '3014446', '3014486', '3014526', '3015610', '3015650', '3014536', '3014706', '3015171', '3016196', '3014406', '3014920', '3014922', '3014928', '3014930', '3014163', '3015444', '3015445', '3014936', '3015452')) AND (s_s.is_latest = 1)
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s_s |
range |
school_id |
school_id |
4 |
207262 |
Using index condition; Using where |
32 |
0.000707 |
DESCRIBE `category_school`
33 |
0.001357 |
SELECT `c_s`.* FROM `category_school` AS `c_s` WHERE (c_s.school_id IN ('3014663', '3014446', '3014486', '3014526', '3015610', '3015650', '3014536', '3014706', '3015171', '3016196', '3014406', '3014920', '3014922', '3014928', '3014930', '3014163', '3015444', '3015445', '3014936', '3015452'))
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c_s |
range |
school_id |
school_id |
4 |
63 |
Using index condition |
34 |
0.006557 |
35 |
0.000487 |
SELECT `s_c_s`.* FROM `summary_count_school` AS `s_c_s` WHERE (s_c_s.is_latest = 1) AND (s_c_s.category_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.prefecture_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.city_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.station_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.station_unit_id = 0) AND (s_c_s.major_city_id = 0) LIMIT 1
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s_c_s |
ref |
multi |
multi |
28 |
const,const,const,const,const,const,const |
1 |
36 |
0.000487 |
SELECT `p`.* FROM `prefecture` AS `p`
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
p |
47 |
37 |
0.000567 |
SELECT `c`.* FROM `city` AS `c` WHERE (c.prefecture_id = '19')
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c |
ref |
prefecture_id |
prefecture_id |
5 |
const |
59 |
38 |
0.000747 |
DESCRIBE `summary_count_kuchikomi`
39 |
0.007547 |
SELECT `s_c_k`.* FROM `summary_count_kuchikomi` AS `s_c_k` WHERE (s_c_k.is_latest = 1) AND (s_c_k.category_id = 0) AND (s_c_k.prefecture_id = '19') AND (s_c_k.city_id = 0) AND (s_c_k.station_id = 0) AND (s_c_k.station_unit_id = 0) LIMIT 1
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
s_c_k |
ref |
multi |
multi |
20 |
const,const,const,const,const |
1 |
Using index condition |
40 |
0.001677 |
DESCRIBE `dancer`
41 |
0.003747 |
SELECT `c`.`id` FROM `dancer` AS `c`
INNER JOIN `dancer_column` AS `d_c` ON = d_c.dancer_id AND d_c.valid = 1 ORDER BY `d_c`.`timestamp_created` DESC
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
d_c |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
29 |
Using where; Using filesort |
1 |
c |
eq_ref |
4 |
jobikai_dance.d_c.dancer_id |
1 |
Using index |
42 |
0.000407 |
SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer` AS `c` WHERE ( IN ('17', '16', '15', '14', '13'))
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c |
range |
4 |
5 |
Using where |
43 |
0.000587 |
DESCRIBE `dancer_column`
44 |
0.000427 |
SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer_column` AS `c` WHERE (c.valid = 1) AND (c.dancer_id = '17') ORDER BY `timestamp_created` ASC
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c |
ref |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
5 |
const |
2 |
Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort |
45 |
0.000397 |
SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer_column` AS `c` WHERE (c.valid = 1) AND (c.dancer_id = '16') ORDER BY `timestamp_created` ASC
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c |
ref |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
5 |
const |
2 |
Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort |
46 |
0.000377 |
SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer_column` AS `c` WHERE (c.valid = 1) AND (c.dancer_id = '15') ORDER BY `timestamp_created` ASC
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c |
ref |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
5 |
const |
2 |
Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort |
47 |
0.000387 |
SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer_column` AS `c` WHERE (c.valid = 1) AND (c.dancer_id = '14') ORDER BY `timestamp_created` ASC
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c |
ref |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
5 |
const |
2 |
Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort |
48 |
0.000457 |
SELECT `c`.* FROM `dancer_column` AS `c` WHERE (c.valid = 1) AND (c.dancer_id = '13') ORDER BY `timestamp_created` ASC
id |
select_type |
table |
type |
possible_keys |
key |
key_len |
ref |
rows |
Extra |
1 |
c |
ref |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
ix_dancer_id_dancer_column |
5 |
const |
1 |
Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort |